... and we're talking.
No, that wasn't a typo. I didn't mean to write and we're walking - even if I am sure Julie will be reminding us that we need to at some juncture in the narrative.
My blog reading list has grown exponentially in the last six months. Not to mention that I spend countless hours leafing through magazines and books. Everywhere I turn there's colour, humour, beautiful people, and more inspiration than I can handle sometimes.

And I love all of it. I truly do. But somewhere along the line I started to wonder about things.
Is anyone talking about what goes on with the bride and groom en route to the wedding day? It isn't all about inspiration boards, colour palettes, and angst with the future in-laws, and certainly not everyone is given a cheque book by their parents. People are on a budget, and important decisions need to be made. Decisions about what kind of bank accounts to have, what kind of house to invest in, where and how to spend one's dollars effectively even insofar as the wedding is concerned. And what about after the wedding? Man and woman become a family long before baby makes three. Once the fairytale wedding is over, are the bride and groom prepared for the reality of married life?
I'll be the first one to say that I learnt a few things the hard way; that I had to grow into life with my husband. Not only was I a European transplant to the United States (and lets face it, even moving from one state to the other here can be huge life change), but things do change somewhat when you marry. And for some people they change a lot more than they do for others.

So lets talk. With a variety of professionals. They may not necessarily be anyone the world at large has heard of, but they make a difference in their respective communities; and they're willing to share their expertise in the spirit of creating healthy marriages. And who knows ... even those of us married a few years might learn something!
And just out of curiosity (am labouring under the assumption that most of my readers are female here), can you unblock a drain without help? Can you change a flat tyre?
I can't ... and that's a basic life skill to my mind. I am determined to learn how to change a flat tyre, though. I've been stranded once too often, and my husband hasn't always been immediately available. Ahem ... he doesn't yet know it, but he will be providing a photo tutorial for this ... among other things. He did say he wanted to do his part for the blog. He just didn't have any ideas about what he could do - so I made an executive decision, lol.
But back to the line up, I'm looking at an approximate 10 week rotation. Each Thursday will start off with something jewelry-related, because that's my line of business and there's plenty to share, and then we'll move onto the week's tip.
A different professional every week.

Julie from La Physique Slimming Spa in Missouri is going to talk about how to look your best on your wedding day; chiropractor Dr. Brian Applebee (pictured) will have a few choice words about staying healthy; Cathy Parisi (above) and the wonderful women over at the Connecticut Childbirth & Women's Center will be talking about female health; the fabulous Angela from Something Green will keep us in the loop about all things eco-friendly; Harvard-trained clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Briggs will be chiming in about responsibility, control, and communication patterns in relationships; we'll be having photo tutorials about really practical things (we might have to call those Handy-Dandy Thursdays) ... and the list goes on.
We'll live and learn together.
It'll be fun - and it all starts on Thursday, August 5th 2010.
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