... in collaboration with Budget a Wedding.
One lucky bride will win a $150 custom necklace / earrings set.
Entering is easy.
Then do one of the following and post about it on the Budget a Wedding blog.
- Go to lili lutu and tell us what your favorite product is.
- Like lili lutu on facebook
- Follow lili lutu and Budget a Wedding on twitter.
- Follow lili lutu on her blog (she is going to be giving out more jewelry to her followers!).
- Promote the Budget a Wedding post (twitter, stumble, forum, or blog post).
- Post the Budget a Wedding button on your own blog.
- Let a bride (or a groom if he would like to gift this to his bride) know about this giveaway. If she leaves a comment saying you referred her then you will both get an entry.
I will be working one on one with the winner to make a memorable set for her wedding day.
Good luck!